Falling for Faith

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I got the audible for this book for free by participating in a promo. I have to say, audibles are very convenient but a subscription to audible is ridiculously priced. Needless to say, I really appreciate the freebie. 

So this is a Christian lesbian romance. Sounds like a contradiction? That’s what I thought at first too. Seeing as I grew up with a negative view of Christianity on homosexuality, I have to give this book a lot of props for showing off a more positive religious perspective. I will also have to keep my bias in check, as there’s still some bad tasting wine in my mouth from my own church days. 

Here’s the premise-

Joey McGolden is a classic loner who has built up too many walls to let anyone in. Despite being on her college track and field team, Joey doesn’t really have any close friends, and prefers it that way. Her life slowly starts to change after her coach signs her up to volunteer at a local church where she’s partnered with Faith Hopkins. Faith is kind, positive, and a Christian who doesn’t judge others. Joey has her own prejudices and pigeonholes Faith before getting to know her. Faith’s compassion is resilient though, and ultimately influences Joey into living a more positive life. 

I had been wondering what an audible in first person would sound like (since a couple of my works are in first). I found this easy to listen to, though at times it felt like the narration was a little too quick. I liked Joey as a narrator, but I wanted her to spend more time on the details. There were plenty of serious and heavier moments, but I didn’t feel as connected to them as I wanted and I think that’s because it felt like they were rushed along. 

I really liked Faith as a character and how much deeper she became as you learned more about her. I don’t think enough credit is given to people who withstand horrible events and still keep their faith. In this light, Faith was a really strong character. 

I did feel like some of the other characters could have been developed further, or rather, I think they should have interacted with Joey just a little bit more. Specifically the relationship between Joey and Paul and Joey and Faith’s mom, were both lacking. Both had good sentiments but there wasn’t enough foundation laid previously to make their interactions as meaningful as they should have felt. Just my opinion. 

I think this book would be good for someone who is struggling to accept who they are both as a Christian and a homosexual. Especially if said person has been outcasted by loved ones for who they are.


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